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1 125 Hey.[XENO:wait wait=key ][XENO:del del=this ]
2 125 Have you been to see Dunban?[XENO:wait wait=key ][XENO:del del=this ]
3 125 [XENO:act act=EVT1 ]Yeah.[XENO:wait wait=key ]
4 125 [XENO:act act=EVT4 ]I just can't do it.[XENO:n ] You got more guts than me.[XENO:wait wait=key ][XENO:del del=this ]
5 125 Not at all.[XENO:wait wait=key ][XENO:del del=this ]
6 125 It was him that consoled me.[XENO:wait wait=key ][XENO:del del=this ]
7 125 [XENO:act act=EVT1 ]I guess that's the type of guy he is.[XENO:wait wait=key ][XENO:del del=this ]
8 125 Yeah.[XENO:wait wait=key ][XENO:del del=this ]
9 125 Even without the Monado, he's the strongest person I know.[XENO:wait wait=key ][XENO:del del=this ]